12 research outputs found

    Automatic detection of pulmonary nodules: Evaluation of performance using two different MDCT scanners

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system, on the detection of pulmonary nodules in multidetector row computed tomography (MDCT) images, by using two different MDCT scanners. The computerized scheme was based on the iris filter. We have collected CT cases of patients with pulmonary nodules. We have included in the study one hundred and thirty-two calcified and noncalcified nodules, measuring 4-30 mm in diameter. CT examinations were performed by using two different equipments: a CT scanner (SOMATOM Emotion 6), and a dual-source computed tomography system (SOMATOM Definition) (Siemens Medical System, Forchheim, Germany), with the following parameters: collimation, 6x1.0mm (Emotion 6); and 64Ă—0.6mm (Definition); 100-130 kV; 70-110 mAs. Data were reconstructed with a slice thickness of 1.25mm (Emotion 6) and 1mm (Definition). True positive cases were determined by an independent interpretation of the study by three experienced chest radiologists, the panel decision being used as the reference standard. Free-response Receiver Operating Characteristic curves, sensitivity and number of false-positive per scan, were calculated. Our CAD scheme, for the test set of the study, yielded a sensitivity of 80%, with an average of 5.2 FPs per examination. At an average false positive rate of 9 per scan, our CAD scheme achieved sensitivities of 94% for all nodules, 94.5% for solid, 80% for non-solid, 84% for spiculated, and 97% for non-spiculated nodules. These encouraging results suggest that our CAD system, advocated as a second reader, may help radiologists in the detection of lung nodules in MDCTThis work has been partially supported by the Xunta de Galicia (expte. nÂş PGIDIT06BTF20802PR), and by the FIS (expte. nÂş PI060058) and (expte. nÂş PI080072)S

    Endoscopic Therapy in Chronic Pancreatitis

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    Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a debilitating disease that can result in chronic abdominal pain, malnutrition, and other related complications. The main aims of treatment are to control symptoms, prevent disease progression, and correct any complications. A multidisciplinary approach involving medical, endoscopic, and surgical therapy is important. Endoscopic therapy plays a specific role in carefully selected patients as primary interventional therapy when medical measures fail or in patients who are not suitable for surgery. Endoscopic therapy is also used as a bridge to surgery or as a means to assess the potential response to pancreatic surgery. This review addresses the role of endoscopic therapy in relief of obstruction of the pancreatic duct (PD) and bile du ct, closure of PD leaks, and drainage of pseudocysts in CP. The role of endoscopic ultrasound-guided celiac plexus block for pain in chronic pancreatitis is also discussed

    Pronostic cardio-vasculaire à long terme des patients ayant bénéficié de l'implantation d'au moins un stent de très petit diamètre de 2,25 mm

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    LILLE2-BU Santé-Recherche (593502101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Effets indésirables et intoxications dus à l'utilisation de médicaments à base de perméthrine chez le chat (étude épidémiologique)

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    LYON1-BU Santé (693882101) / SudocTOULOUSE-EN Vétérinaire (315552301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Sciatic nerve block in the popliteal fossa: description of a new medial approach.

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    PURPOSE: Sciatic nerve blocks through lateral approaches in the popliteal fossa have been proposed. We describe a new medial approach to the sciatic nerve at this level. METHODS: After an anatomical study on six cadavers, we performed sciatic nerve blocks on 20 patients. A 100-mm insulated needle and a nerve stimulator were used; 20 mL of lidocaine 1.5% with epinephrine were injected. RESULTS: Patients lied in the supine position, the thigh flexed, abducted and rotated externally (30 degrees in all directions). The leg was flexed at 130 degrees .In this position, above the adductor tubercle, a depression known as Jobert's fossa is palpated. Through this groove, a medial approach to the sciatic nerve at the level of the popliteal fossa is possible. The mean distance between the adductor tubercle and the puncture site is 6.18 cm (range 4-8 cm) and the mean distance between the skin and the sciatic nerve is 6.62 cm (range 4-9 cm). Mean time to perform the block was 100 sec (range 55-165 sec). Complete motor blockade was obtained after a mean time of 30 min (range 5-60 min) inside the common peroneal nerve area and 43 min (range 15-75 min) inside the tibial nerve area. Motor block was complete in 17 patients and sensory block in 18 patients. No vessel puncture was observed. CONCLUSION: We describe a new medial approach to the sciatic nerve in the popliteal fossa. More studies will be required to demonstrate the technique is effective and safe.Clinical TrialJournal ArticleSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Les représentations des élèves à propos de différentes postures intellectuelles possibles entre science et croyances religieuses : mise à l’épreuve de la validité de construit d’un questionnaire y afférant

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    Plusieurs recherches ont mis en évidence, chez des élèves ou des professeurs, différentes formes de rejet de la théorie de l’évolution ainsi que la perception de différentes formes d’interactions entre science et croyances religieuses. C’est pourquoi un questionnaire permettant d’étudier la manière dont les élèves situent, l’un par rapport à l’autre, le registre de la science et celui des croyances religieuses a été élaboré, sur base d’un modèle théorique (Wolfs, 2013 : Wolfs, Salamon, De Coster, El Boudamoussi, & Jackson, 2008) distinguant six conceptions-types : le « rejet de la science au nom de conceptions fidéistes », le « concordisme classique », le « concordisme inversé », « l’autonomie de la science », la « complémentarité » et les « critiques rationalistes à l’égard de croyances religieuses ». Après avoir présenté le cadre théorique et les modalités de construction du questionnaire, cet article examine sa validité de construit et la consistance interne de ses dimensions, à partir des réponses fournies par 638 élèves de dernière année de l’enseignement secondaire belge francophone. Une structure factorielle globalement cohérente avec le modèle de référence a été dégagée au terme d’une analyse factorielle confirmatoire. En outre, ses différentes dimensions s’avèrent être consistantes (alpha de Cronbach). La pertinence de cet outil pour traiter une problématique éducative pour laquelle il en existe très peu est ensuite discutée.Research has pointed out that school teachers and students sometimes apply several forms of rejection of evolution theory and, also, that they perceive various forms of interaction between scientific knowledge and religious beliefs. To further explore these interactions, we have built a questionnaire enabling us to study the way students position scientific knowledge compared to religious beliefs, and vice versa, based on a theoretical model (Wolfs, 2013 : Wolfs, Salamon, De Coster, El Boudamoussi, & Jackson, 2008) describing six different conceptions: «rejection of science in the name of fideist conceptions», «classic concordism», «reversed concordism», «scientific autonomy», «complementarity» and «rationalist critiques of religious beliefs». In this paper, after presenting the theoretical frame and methodology underlying the construction of the questionnaire, we tested its construct validity and the internal consistence of its dimensions based on data collected from 638 undergraduate French speaking Belgian students in their last year of compulsory school education. The results obtained through confirmatory factor analysis and by Chronbach’s alpha analysis are consistent with our theoretical model. Thus we discuss the relevance of this questionnaire, intended to examine an educational issue for which very few investigation tools exist.Várias investigações evidenciaram, nos alunos ou nos professores, diferentes formas de rejeição da teoria da evolução e de interação entre a ciência e as crenças religiosas. Por isso, foi elaborado um questionário para estudar o modo como os alunos se posicionam perante a relação entre o registo da ciência e as crenças religiosas e vice-versa, tendo por base um modelo teórico (Wolfs, 2013 : Wolfs, Salamon, De Coster, El Boudamoussi, & Jackson, 2008) que distingue seis tipos de conceções: a “rejeição da ciência em nome das conceções fideístas”, o “concordismo clássico”, o “concordismo invertido”, “a autonomia da ciência”, a “complementaridade” e as “críticas racionalistas relativamente às crenças religiosas”. Depois da apresentação do quadro teórico e das modalidades de construção do questionário, este artigo examina a validade do construto e a consistência interna das suas dimensões, a partir das respostas fornecidas por 638 alunos do último ano do ensino secundário belga francófono. Os resultados obtidos a partir de uma análise fatorial confirmatória e da análise do alfa de Cronbach são consistentes com o modelo teórico de referência. Discute-se, por fim, a pertinência deste questionário para tratar uma problemática educativa, para a qual existem poucas ferramentas de investigação

    Multi–Detector Row CT of Hemoptysis

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    A database of high-resolution MS/MS spectra for lichen metabolites

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    International audienceWhile analytical techniques in natural products research massively shifted to liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, lichen chemistry remains reliant on limited analytical methods, Thin Layer Chromatography being the gold standard. To meet the modern standards of metabolomics within lichenochemistry, we announce the publication of an open access MS/MS library with 250 metabolites, coined LDB for Lichen DataBase, providing a comprehensive coverage of lichen chemodiversity. These were donated by the Berlin Garden and Botanical Museum from the collection of Siegfried Huneck to be analyzed by LC-MS/MS. Spectra at individual collision energies were submitted to MetaboLights (https//www.ebi.ac.uk/metabolights/MTBLS999) while merged spectra were uploaded to the GNPS platform (CCMSLIB00004751209 to CCMSLIB00004751517). Technical validation was achieved by dereplicating three lichen extracts using a Molecular Networking approach, revealing the detection of eleven unique molecules that would have been missed without LDB implementation to the GNPS. From a chemist's viewpoint, this database should help streamlining the isolation of formerly unreported metabolites. From a taxonomist perspective, the LDB offers a versatile tool for the chemical profiling of newly reported species